
International conference on Manufacturing Excellence (ICMAX-2021)


International conference on Manufacturing Excellence (ICMAX-2021)

Department of Robotics and Automation and Department of Production Engineering jointly organized an International Conference on Manufacturing Excellence (ICMAX-2021) in an online manner during17th and 18th September 2021. The conference was inaugurated by Dr. V.D. Barve, former Principal, K. K.Wagh I.E.E.R. Nashik Dr. D.B. Thakur, Head of Mechanical Engineering, DIAT, Pune delivered key note speech on topic “Approach to Industry 4.0: Cloud based Product Design and Manufacture”. Total fifteen research papers were presented during the conference. Faculty, research scholars and students of various organizations from all over the India participated in this conference. Dr. K. N. Nandurkar Principal, K. K. Wagh IEER and Dr. S. S. Sane, HOD Computer Engineering, K. K. Wagh IEER addressed the audience on this occasion. The papers were presented in three session based on three different themes namely, intelligent manufacturing systems, Robot analysis and Design and Materials and Manufacturing Processes. These three sessions were chaired by Dr. Prashant Kushare, Dr. Mahesh Shelar and Dr. Vijay Patil. This conference was co-ordinated Dr. P. J. Pawar and Prof. M. Y. Khalkar.


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