M.Tech Post Graduate

admission process

KKWIEER is Autonomous from 2022-23. Along with B.Tech, KKWIEER also offers M.Tech. in disciplines namely, Civil (Structure), E&TC (VLSI & Embedded Systems), and Electrical (Power System).

M.Tech is a two-year full-time course offered by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune. It is amongst the Top M Tech Colleges in Maharashtra and is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education. The minimum eligibility to apply for M.Tech. is having passed B.E. or B.Tech. exam in a relevant discipline with at least 50% marks with a non-zero GATE score in the respective qualifying branch. The final selection of candidates in M.Tech. is based on the Entrance Exam scores as well as marks in the qualifying exam for M Tech Colleges in Nashik.

M.Tech Courses Offered from 2022-23
  • M.Tech Civil (Structure)
  • M.Tech E & TC (VLSI & Embeded System)
  • M.Tech Electrical (Power System)
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Eligibility Criteria

  • The Candidate should be an Indian National;
  • Passed Bachelor Degree in the relevant field of Engineering and Technology from All India Council for Technical Education or Central or State Government approved institutions or equivalent, with at least 50% marks (at least 45% marks in case of candidates of Backward class categories and persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State only);
  • Obtained valid score in Graduates Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) conducted by Indian
document required

Required documents

For All candidates List of Documents

  • GATE Score card
  • D.T.E. Allotment Letter
  • Statement of marks obtained at SSC
  • Statement of marks obtained at HSC School / College
  • Leaving Certificate after passing HSC.
  • Certificate of Indian Nationality of the candidate.
  • Migration Certificate (if applicable)
  • Transference Certificate (if applicable)
  • Education Gap Affidavit on Stamp Paper of 100/- (if applicable)
  • Passport size Photograph - 3 Nos.
  • Bank Demand Draft towards the fees
  • Domicile Certificate

For Backward Class Category Candidates from Maharashtra State: (For updates refer to http://cetcell.mahacet.org/ ) Along with the documents mentioned in part 1, the candidate claiming a seat in backward class category will have to produce Domicile Certificate stating that the candidate is a domicile of Maharashtra State. The candidate will also have to produce the below mentioned documents as per the Caste category.

Category of Reservation Documents required for Supporting the backward class reservation claim Authority issuing the document
Scheduled Caste (S.C.) 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognized under backward class category in Maharashtra State. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognized under backward class category in Maharashtra State.
2. Caste Validity Certificate Divisional Caste Certificate Scrutiny Committee of the respective Divisional Social Welfare Office.
Scheduled Tribes (S.T.) 1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognized under backward class category in Maharashtra State. Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State
2. Caste Validity Certificate Director / Deputy Director, Tribe Scrutiny Committee of respective Region
  • Vimukta Jati (V.J.) & De-notified Tribes (D.T.)
  • Nomadic Tribes N.T.(A)/
  • Nomadic Tribes N.T.(B)/
  • Nomadic Tribes N.T.(C)/
  • Nomadic Tribes N.T.(D)/
  • Other Backward Classes.(O.B.C./)
  • Scheduled Backward Classes (S.B.C)
1. Caste Certificate stating that the caste is recognized under backward class category in Maharashtra State. Executive Magistrate in Maharashtra State
2. Caste Validity Certificate Divisional Caste Certificate Scrutiny Committee of the respective Divisional Social Welfare Office.
3. Non-creamy layer Certificate valid up to 31st March 2026. Sub Divisional Officer / Deputy Collector / Collector of the district

M.Tech. Courses Offered

Civil Engineering (Structure)
18 Sanction Intake
Electrical Engineering (Power System)
18 Sanction Intake
Electronics & Telecommunication (VLSI & Embedded Systems)
18 Sanction Intake

Institute Level Admission

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Admission Brochure 2024-25 Enquire Now!