
Mr. K. P. Birla

Assistant Professor

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M.E. (Computer Engineering),(Ph.D Pursuing)

Brief Profile

Kushal P. Birla completed his Master Degree M.E (Computer Engineering) from KKWIEER, Nashik, in 2013. He is working as Assistant Professor at K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research, Nashik, since September 2011. He has 13 Years of teaching experience at undergraduate level. He is Member of BoS of SE- Computer (PBL). He has published 5 research papers in various journals. He was awarded an ASPIRE-SPPU research grant for a research project. He has filed a patent at the Patent Office of India. He has attended several Faculty Development programs in various organizations and delivered sessions as resource person in various programs. He is also working as faculty mentor at AICTE Idea Lab and Department’s IIC Coordinator, His course on “Quick GUI Design and Development of Multi device Application” is published on Udemy. He is a Google Cloud Facilitator at KKWIEER.


  • Ariticial Intelligence, AR and VR Technology
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