Department of

Information Technology

Estimation of Parameters and Error Prediction for Instrument Transformer using Machine Learning

Name of the collaborating agency with contact details

Advent Engineers, Sinner, Nashik

Name of the participant

Prof. Rupali M. Bora

Premlata Mishra Aarya Mishra

Prof. Nitin Dhamale

Pranjal Nankar

Pranit Menkar

Shlok Bundele

Shubham Kulkarni


The Information Technology Department has received a grant from the Government Organization called “ AICTE-SPICES” during the year 2021-22 & 2022-23 the amount of 1 Lakh rupees. The scheme "AICTE - Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES)" is a scheme for the institutions by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Department of Higher Education (DoHE). This scheme provides financial support to institutions for developing students' clubs for the well-rounded development of students by promoting their interests, creativity, and ethics. This club should serve as a model for other clubs in the institution and also those in other institutions.

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