Department of

Artificial Intelligence And Data Science


Expert Talk on Trends and Technologies in IoT


Online Session on Blockchain Technology and It’s Application

Academic Year 2023-2024

Sr.No Type of Event Name of Expert/Events on the Occasion Duration
1 An Expert Talk on “Generative AI” Mr. Mayur Patil 25/08/2023
2 An Expert Talk on “Data Modelling and Visualization” Mr. Ashish Khedkar 11/09/2023
3 An Expert Talk on “Implementation of parallel algorithm on GPU using CUDA” Mr Shailesh Kankrej 25/09/2023
4 An Expert Talk on “Security Practices in Web Development” Mr. Sudhir A. Raut 14/10/2023

An Expert Talk on “Generative AI” by Mr. Mayur Patil on 25/08/2023


An Expert Talk on “Data Modelling and Visualization” by Mr. Ashish Khedkar on 11/09/2023


An Expert Talk on “Implementation of parallel algorithm on GPU using CUDA” by Mr Shailesh Kankrej on 25/09/2023


An Expert Talk on “Security Practices in Web Development” by Mr. Sudhir A. Raut on 14/10/2023

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