Department of

Mechanical Engineering

Ongoing Funded Research, Centre of Excellence

Sr.No. Name of the Faculty Title of research Proposal Funding agency Year Amount sanctioned
1 Prof. S.S.Kale Harvesting of Algal Biodiesel (ABD) from Local Algae Species and Testing the Suitability of ABD as a fuel in Diesel Engines BCUD , Pune 2014-15 2,00,000
2 Dr. P.B.Kushare Experimental Investigation of a novel configuration of a two-lobe journal bearing BCUD , Pune 2016-17 2,60,000
3 Prof. V. V. Khond Design, Optimization & Development of 3- D printing machine BCUD , Pune 2016-17 1,80,000


Sr.No AY Name of Faculty/Students Title of Invention Details of filing patent Publication date Journal Number
1 2023-24 Ashish Suresh Shinde
Chaitanya Pandurang Suryawanshi
Shreyash Tanaji Warungse
Atharva Shantaram Dinde
Mangesh Pralhadrao Panchbhai
A workpiece holding device 126305 20/01/2023 366010-001
2 2023-24 Dr. Vilas K. Matsagar
Dr. Prashant B. Kushare
Dr. Vilas K. Patil
Dr. Ajinkya S. Joshi
Toilet rim extension  162612 04/04/2023 401974-001
3 2023-24 Dr. Vilas K. Matsagar
Dr. Prashant B. Kushare
Dr. Vilas K. Patil
Dr. Ajinkya S. Joshi
Toilet rim extension for touchless use 162615 04/04/2024 401970-001
4 2023-24 Mr. Pankaj Ramanlal Beldar
Mr. Milind Rohidas Bahiram
Mrs. Shubhangi
Robotic Device For Fire Detection 6358272 18/04/2024 6358272
5 2023-24 Vaibhav E Kothawade
Mohan Dagadu Patil
Chandrashekhar V Charakpalle
Pankaj R Beldar
Mugdha Vikas Bhadak
Chaitali K Magar
Mansi Anil Patil
Rital R Sonawane
Divyani Kailas Wani
Yashashri P Deshmukh
Hemraj R Kumavat
Drilling Fixture For Busbar
164935 18/04/2024 408784-001
6 2023-24 Pankaj R Beldar
Parth P Lagade
Sangam Sopan Sanap
Vinay Sachin Patil
Sudarshan U Pawar
C V  Charakpalle
Kunal D Bendale
Tushar B Banjara
Dhanshri M Bisen
Bhumika M Mahajan
Mohan Dagadu Patil
Hemraj R Kumavat
Portable Smart Oxygen Concentrator 164936 18/04/2024 409287-001
7 2023-24 Pankaj R Beldar Semantic Analysing Computing Device 167711 03/05/2024 411720-001
8 2023-24 Dr. Vilas K. Matsagar
Dr. Prashant B. Kushare
A Bottle Cap CBR No 203744 Application accepted 409674-001
9 2022-23 Ashish Suresh Shinde
Chaitanya Pandurang Suryawanshi
Shreyash Tanaji Warungse
Atharva Shantaram Dinde
Mangesh Pralhadrao Panchbhai
A workpiece holding device Publication Number-366010-001 Application Filing Date-13/06/2022 20/01/2023 202690
10 2021-22 Dr.Prashant B. Kushare
Yadnyesh Bhor
Akshay Pahade
Universal Brake Caliper Publication Number-28/2023 Application Filing Date-8/1/2022   14/07/2023 202221001104
11 2021-22 Dr.Prashant B.Kushare
Pratik P. Thorat
Axial Relative Motion Ball Bearing Publication Number-28/2023 Application Filing Date-08/01/2022   14/07/2023 202221001103
12 2021-22 Amit Dashrath Bhagure
Prathamesh Desai
Krishna Khairnar
Apurv Ratnaparkhi
Spring-Type Lower Limb Exoskeleton Publication Number-34/2021 Application Filing Date-03/08/2021   20/08/2021 202121034877
13 2018-19 Dr.Prashant B.Kushare
Vivek C. Burhade
Rushikesh Navare
Anurag B. Kadam
Jayvant B. Thakare
Multi Lug Nut Remover System Publication Number-21/2018 Application Filing Date-05/05/2018



Research Publication

Publication in Journal

A.Y. (2023-24)
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Title of Research Article Status Name of Journal Issue No./Volume No. Indexing DOI No./ISSN
1 Dr. Prashant B. Kushare, Dr. V. K. Matsagar Regular A Study of Nonlinear Transient Behaviour of Worn out 3-Lobe Non-recessed Journal Bearing Published JURNAL TRIBOLOGI - ESCI ISSN/eISSN: 2289-7232
2 Sanjay D. Barahate Regular An Experimental Study on the Performance Enhancement of a Heat Pump System using Nanofluids Published Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024, 12518-12523 February, 2024 Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024, 12518-12523 ESCI
3 Sanjay D. Barahate Regular Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Performance of a Circular Tube with Coiled Wire Inserts Published Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024, 12512-12517 , February, 2024 Vol. 14, No. 1, 2024, 12512-12517 ESCI
4 Ganesh Rayjade ,Amit Bhagure, Prashant B Kushare, Ramesh Bhandare, Vilas Matsagar, Regular Performance evaluation of machine learning algorithms and impact of activation functions in artificial neural network classifier for bearing fault diagnosis Published Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC) /Sage publication February 29, 2024 ISSN: 1077-5463 ,Online ISSN: 1741-2986 SCIE
5 S. V. Kadbhane Regular Performance prediction and evaluation of heat pipe with hexagonal perforated twisted tape inserts Published Heat and Mass Transfer 20 March 2024 ISSN :1432-1181 ,Print ISSN : 0947-7411 SCIE
6 Ramesh Bhandare, Dr. Prashant Kushare Regular Fault Diagnosis and Prediction of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of Rolling Element Bearing A Review State of Art Published Tribologia: Finnish Journal of Tribology ISSN:0780-2285 SCOPUS ISSN:0780-2285
7 Vilas K. Matsagar, Prashant B. Kushare Regular Ni-Cr Based Self Lubricating Composite Performance for High Speed Engineering Application Published Tribology in Industry ISSN:0354-8996 SCOPUS 10.24874/ti.1469.04.23.06
8 Mahesh N. Shelar, Vilas K. Matsagar, Vijay S. Patil & Sanjay D. Barahate Regular Investigations into the Poor Energy use Practices of Irrigation Pumps by Indian Farmers: A Case Study Published Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B ,Springer Link Print ISSN ; 2250-2106 Electronic ISSN : 2250-2114 SCOPUS
9 Pankaj Beldar1, Mohansingh Pardeshi, Rahul Rakhade3 Regular Analysis of Clusters With Indian Patent Data Using Different Word Embedding Techniques Published Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences (SFS) 10(3) 735- 752 2023 ISSN: 2368-7487 SCOPUS
10 S. V. Kadbhane Regular Numerical Modelling and Optimization of Perforated Twisted Tape Insert based on Hybrid ANSYS-RSM Approach Published Heat Transfer 22 November 2023 ISSN:2688-4534E-ISSN:2688-4542 SCOPUS
A.Y. (2022-23)
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Title of Research Article Status Name of Journal Issue No./Volume No. Indexing DOI No./ISSN
1 Dr. Patil Vijay Sahebrao  Regular Experimental investigation of CO2 level in the closed room including the effect of ventilation and use of snake plants Published Sadhana ISSN/eISSN: 0256-2499/0973-7677 48 (2) SCI  SCI
2 Prof. Kadbhane Snehal Vasant  Regular Computational analysis on combined convective heat transfer of flow through long vertical duct and parameters affecting accuracy of computational results and thermal performance Published Journal of Basic Science/Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichukexue Xuebao  ISSN:1006-8341  SCOPUS
3 Dr. Matsagar Vilas Karbhari Dr. Kushare Prashant Bhanudas Regular Ni-Cr Based Self Lubricating Composite Performance for High Speed Engineering Application Published Tribology in Industry 2217-7965  SCOPUS DOI: 10.24874/ti.1469.04.23.06
4 Dr. Patil  Atul kumar  Sahebrao Regular Experimental Investigation of Micro-Textured Piston Ring and Cylinder Liner Pair at Mid Stroke Operating Conditions Published International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology ISSN:2349-0918, E-ISSN:2231-5381 SCOPUS ISSN:2349-0918, E-ISSN:2231-5381
A.Y. (2020-21)
Sr.No. Name of Faculty Nature of Appointment Title of Research Article Status Name of Journal Issue No./Volume No. Indexing DOI No./ISSN
1 Dr. Matsagar Vilas Karbhari Regular Influence of Die Surface Roughness (Ra) on Manufacturing Ni-Cr Published Journal of SeyBold Report ISSN NO: 1533-9211/VOLUME 15 ISSUE 7 2020 Scopus 10.1016/S0142-1123(02)00166-4
2 Dr. Matsagar Vilas Karbhari Regular Multiple Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) Method for Material Selection in High Speed Engineering Application Published International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 9s, (2020), pp. 7443-7454 ISSN: 2005-4238 (Print), ISSN: 2207-6360 (Online) Scopus -

List of Consultancy Projects

Sr.No. Academic Year Company Details Revenue generated (Rs.) Topic Staff Details
1 2017-18 Art Rubber Ltd, Ambad 3310/- Flue gas analysis for boiler tuning Prof. Kale S.S.
2 Art Rubber Ltd, Ambad 3310/- Flue gas analysis for boiler tuning
3 Art Rubber Ltd, Ambad 4885/- Flue gas analysis for boiler tuning & Draught measurement Testing
4 Mr. Kuwar, Guru Govind singh COE, Nashik 11800/- Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Training Dr. M. N. Shelar
5 Er. Rajesh Jadhav, Everest Industries Ltd., Dindori 4500/- Flue gas analysis for boiler tuning Prof.Kale S.S.
6 Mr. Dhikale kapil, MET COE, Nashik 5000/- Biodiesel Testing
7 Mr. Jayesh Parate, Matoshri COE, Nashik 7000/- Biodiesel Testing
8 Mr. Wagh Charudutta, Matoshri COE, Nashik 6000/- Biodiesel Testing
9 C. K. Associates, Ar. Ravindra Chavan, Sangali 47000/- Thermal Comfort Project
10 2018-19 Energy Spectrum Ltd, Mumbai 4,73,180/- Energy Audit of GMR, Goa  Dr. M.N. Shelar  Prof. Kale S.S.
11 2021-22 Ganraj Agro Industries, Satana 20,060/- Product Design and Production Drawing Dr. P.B.Kushare, Dr. V.K.Matsagar
12 DB Corporation Jaipur(is going on) 310,104/- Vibration and Thermographic analysis Dr. P.B.Kushare, Prof.R.V.Bhandare, Prof.G. R. Rayjade
13 Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. Nashik 116,574/- Supervisory Development Program for Mahindra & Mahindra ltd.Nashik plant Dr. Kushare Prashant Bhanudas Mr. Patil Vijay SahebraoMr. Kavale Prashant KalidasMr. Khond Vaibhav VijayMr. Barahate Sanjay Dagu
Mr. Rahane Pawan RameshwarMr. Bhagure Amit DashrathMr.Bhandare Ramesh Vasant 
Mr.Pardeshi Mohansing R.Mr. Ranade Pankaj Balasaheb
14 2022-23 Aditi Engineering Services (Temple Packaging Pvt. Ltd., Daman) 6000/- Energy Audit Service Kale S.S.
15 DB Corporation Ahmedabad 348336/- Vibration and Thermographic analysis Dr. P.B.Kushare/Prof.R.V.Bhandare/Prof.G. R. Rayjade
16 Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. Nashik 60931/- Supervisory Development Program for Mahindra & Mahindra ltd. Igatpuri plant  P.B.Kushare V.S.Patil P.K.Kavale V.V.Khond S.D.Barhatte Pawan Rahane A.D.Bhagure R.V.Bhandare M.R.Pardeshi P.B.Ranade
Admission Brochure 2024-25 Enquire Now!