Department of

Computer Engineering

Sr.No. Academic Year Title of the Project Amount Sanctioned(in Rs) Name of the Principal Investigator
1 2019 MODROB:Modernization of computer project lab. 1284706/- Prof. Dr. S. S. Sane
Candidates Completed Ph.D.
Sr.No. Name of Department Name of student Date of Ph.D. completion Name of Guide Topic
1. Computer Engineering Mr Wakchaure Manoj A 18/1/20 Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane An efficient algorithm for discrimination prevention in Data mining
2. Mr. Kalavadekar Praksh N 1/1/21 Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane An Elective algorithm for Intrusion Detection System using combined signature and anomaly Detection Techniques
3. Mr. Sonkar Shrinivas K. 5/8/20 Prof.Dr.M.U.Kharat Study and analysis of optimal resource management strategies A virtual machine migration perspective
4   Mr.Banait S.S 28/8/22 Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane Effective clustering techniques for mining big data
5   Mrs.P.S.Vispute 18/10/22 Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane Social network analysis using a novel graph mining algorithm
Sr.No. Year Name of Staff Title of Invention Details of Filing Patent Publication Date Journal Number
1 22-23 Prof. P. D. Rakibe A system and method for aligning eye contact in display screens during onlime meeting Patent Application No. 202221059988 20/10/2022  
2 22-23 Dr. Satish S Banait Machine Learning Based Gradient Boosting Regression Approach For Wind Power Production Forecasting Patent Application No. 202321047867 A 16/07/2023  
3 23-24 Dr. Satish S Banait IOT Based Agricultural Robot For Pesticide Spraying cbr Numbar : 147778 09/09/2023  
4 23-24 Dr. Satish S Banait IOT Based Barrier For Crowd Management cbr Number 213807 31/10/2023  
5 23-24 Dr. Satish S Banait Wheel Disc with Finger Grip cbr Numbaer 205079 29/12/2023  
6 23-24 Prof. K. P. Birla, Prof. N. M. Shahane, Dr.S. S. Sane, Dr.Y. D. Bhise, Prof. P. D. Rakibe Computerized cognitive retraining program for home training of child Patent Application No. 202321087194 20/12/2023  
Sr.No. Year Details of Copyright Filed Name of Principle Investigator(s)
1 2022-23 Title: A novel technique for multiview multiple clustering Diary No: 24886/2022-CO/L Date of Publication: 01/12/2022 J.R.Mankar, Prof. Dr. S M Kamalapur
2 2022-23 Title:An efficient classification approach for forensic analysis of web data Diary No: 25132/2022-CO/L Date of Publication: 5/12/2022 Shital S.Bhandare , Kamini A. Shirsath
3 2022-23 Real time Sign Language Translator using Microsoft XBox Sensor Diary No: 4882/2023-CO/L Date: 05/07/2023 Salas Sujit Shah, Samruddhi Dilip Bhansali, Shivam Vilas Gaikwad, Vaishnavi Dhananjay Deshmane, Dr. Yogita Dhanaji Bhise
4 2022-23 Stolen and Unauthorized Vehicle Detection System Diary No: 6383/2023-CO/L Date: 16/06/2023 Gagandeep Singh Dhindsa, Prof. Yogita Bhise, Sameer Abhay Pardeshi, Tushar Dnyaneshwar Avhad
5 2022-23 An efficient Technique for remote sensing image retrieval, Diary No: L-123647/2023, Date: 05/06/2023 Monali Mahajan, Dr. S.M. Kamlapur
6 2023-24 News classifier for share markets based on dynamic and instantaneous data using neural networks, Diary No: 13974/2023/CO/2, Date: 21/05/2023 Prof.S.T.Patil
7 2023-24 An effective privacy preservation technique for enhancing data usability, L- Diary No: 126025/2023, Date: 15/06/2023 Prof. D.M. Kanade, Dr. S.S. Sane
8 2023-24 An efficient classification approach for forensic analysis of web data, Diary No: 890/2023-CO/L Dr. Satish S. Banait
9 2023-24 An efficient clustering technique for Mining Big Data, L-127029/2023, Date: 07/07/2023 Dr. Satish S. Banait
10 2023-24 An automated system for enhancement , segmentation and classification of brain tumors., Diary No: 26522/2023-CO/L ,Date: 06/12/2023 Dr. Satish S. Banait
11 2023-24 Advanced Driver Assistance System, Diary No: 26758/2023-CO/L, Date: 27/12/2023 Dr. Satish S. Banait
12 2023-24 Tree Pruning Based High Utility Pattern Mining, Diary No: 26657/2023-CO/L, Date: 29/12/2023 Dr. Satish S. Banait , Prof. K.P.Birla
13 2023-24 An efficient Technique for fine grained image classification, Diary No: L-139372/2023, Date: 01/12/2023 Prof. P.P. Vaidya
Sr.No. Name of Author Title of Research Article Status(Published/Submitted) Name of the Journal Issue No.Volume No. Index in SCI/Scopus/WoS/UGC Care Link of DOI (If Available)
1 Dr.Satish S. Banait
Ms.Namrata D. Ghuse
Dr.Dipak D. Bage
Analysis of Single-View and Multi-view K-Means Clustering on Big Data Environment Published International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering

VOL. 12 NO. 16S (2024)


2 Dr.G. B. Sambare
Harsha Avinash Bhute
Dr.Satish S Banait
Autonomous Healthcare Systems: Deep Learning-Based IoT Solutions for Continuous Monitoring and Adaptive Treatment Published The Journal of Electrical Systems (JES)

Vol. 20 No. 1s (2024)


3 Dr.Satish S. Banait
Dr.Ashwini B. Gavali Shrinivas T. Shirkande
An Approach for Detecting Security Attacks using Machine Learning in IoT Environment Published The Journal of Electrical Systems (JES)

Vol. 20 No. 1s (2024)


4 Mr.Ishan Swapnil Dixit
Prof. Priya Rakibe
Review on ML for recognition of Chat - GPT generated text Published Mukt Shabd Journal Volume XIII, Issue I UGC --
5 Ms.Smita C. Pangarkar Dr. Satish S Banait Occupational Stress and Mental Health: A Longitudinal Study in High-Stress Professions Published South Eastern European Journal of Public Health Volume: 21 Scopus --
6 Ms.Sheetal B Pawar
Prof. Dr. K.A.Shirsat
Deep Learning Based Web Data Classification Techniques for Forensic Analysis: An Overview Published International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol. 12 No.4s(2024) Scopus

7 D.M.Kanade Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Evaluating the Effectiveness of Clustering-Based K-Anonymity and KNN Cluster for Privacy Preservation Published International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering Volume: 11 Issue:11s Scopus

8 Prof.Jyoti R. Mankar
Prof. Dr. S. M. Kamalapur
An Analytical Performance Evaluation on Multiview Clustering Approaches Published International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 11 Issue: 7s Scopus


9 Prof.Priti P.Vaidya, Prof. Dr. S. M. Kamalapur Deep Learning Based Fine Grained Image Classification Published International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 11 Issue: 7s Scopus


10 Prof.Monali P. Mahajan
Prof. Dr. S. M. Kamalapur
Impact of Feature Representation on Remote Sensing Image Retrieval Published International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Volume: 11 Issue: 7s Scopus

11 Dr. S. A. Talekar
Dr. S. S. Banait
Dr. Mithun Patil
Improved Q- Reinforcement Learning Based Optimal Channel Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks Published International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol. 15, No. 3 Scopus

12 Mr.B. Kataria
Mr.H. B. Jethva
Ms.P.V. Shinde
Dr. S.S. Banait
SLDEB: Design of a Secure and Lightweight Dynamic Encryption Bio-Inspired Model for IoT Networks Published International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering (IJSSE) 1.6 Vol. 13, No. 2, Scopus

13 Prof.Y. Shewale
Mr.S. Kumar
Machine Learning Based Intrusion Detection in IoT Network Using MLP and LSTM Published International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering 1.74(IJISAE) Vol. 11 No. 7s (2023) Scopus


14 Dr. R.D. Kulkarni, Prof.Dr. S.S.Sane D.M.Kanade Bridging the Gap: Industry and Engineering Institutions through Efficient
Published Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume No 35 Scopus 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23084
15 Mr.Rais Mullar, Dr. Satish Baniat Design and Implementation of Deep Learning Method for Disease Indentification in Plant leaf Published International Journal on Resent and Innovative Trends in Computing and Communication Vol 11 issue 2 Scopus --
16 Prof. Dr.Ravindra Munje Prof.Priya Rakibe Prof.Vikrant Nichit Prof.Anup Dhudhekar Prof.Yogita Shewale New Approch for Providing Adaptable Curriculam Enrichment Through Teaching Learning and Evaluation Published Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume No 36 Scopus 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23064
17 Dr.P. D. Bhamre
Prof.Nitin M. Shahane
SWOT Analysis in Engineering Classes using Audience Response System Published Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume No 35 Scopus 0.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23084
18 Dr. M. Deva Kumar
Dr. Yogita D. Bhise
Niranchana Shri Viswanathan
Ritumoni Saikia
Factors Determining The Quality Management In Supply Chain Management: An Empirical Study Logistics Published International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences -- UGC Care --
19 Dr. Roopa Shettigar
Dr. Yogita D. Bhise
Dr. Bapurao Bandgar
Dr. Sudhakar Madhavedi
Data Mining Application in Effective Knowledge Management :Empirical Study Published IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences

Volume 11, Special Issue 3 UGC Care --
20 Dr. S.S.Banait, Dr. S.S.Sane, Dr. S.A. Talekar An efficient Clustring Technique for Big Data Mining Published International Journal of Next Genration Computting Vol 13 NO. 3 UGC Care --
21 Dr. S.S.Banait Dr. S.S.Sane Dr. Dipak Bage Reinforcement mSVM:An efficient Clustering and Classification Aproch using reinforcement and supervised Techniques Published Intelligent System and Aplication in Enginering Vol 10 ,Issue 2 Scopus --
22 Ms.Prajakta Vispute Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Understanding the Base Community Structure in the Dynamic Social Networks Published Stochastic Modeling & Applications Vol. 26 No. 3 UGC Care --
23 Ms.Prajakta Vispute Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane A novel graph mining technique for effective Social Network Analysis Published Asian Journal of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry Vol. 7 No. 2 UGC Care --
24 Prof.Satish S. Banait Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Result Analysis for Insurance and Feature Selection in Big Data Environment Published International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management Vol .8 ISSUE:1   --
25 Prof.Satish S. Banait Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Novel Data Dimensionality Reduction Approach Using
Static Threshold, Minimum Projection Error and Minimum Redundancy
Published Asian Journal
of Organic & Medicinal Chemistry
Vol. 7 No. 2 UGC Care --
26 Prof.Satish S. Banait Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Analyzing Impact Of Single View And Multi View Big
Data Based On Clustering Quality Via K-Means Technique
Published Stochastic Modeling & Applications Vol. 26 No. 3 UGC Care --
27 Prof.Satish S. Banait Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Evolutionary Instance And Feature Selection Using
Lsh-Is And Pearson Correlation Coefficient In Big Data Environment
Published Stochastic
Modeling & Applications,
Vol. 26 No. 3 UGC Care --
28 Prof.Satish S. Banait Prof. Dr. S.S.Sane Compparative Analysis of Clustring Approches for Big Data Analysis Published International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology Vol: 70 ISSUE :3 UGC Care --
29 Prof.Satish S. Banait Rutuja Deshmukh Comparison Of Dimensionality
Reduction Algorithms For Invigorating Coherence Of Clustering Techniques
Published Stochastic
Modeling & Applications,
Vol. 26 No. 3 UGC Care --
30 Prof.Dr R.D. Kulkarni Prof.Dr.S.S.Sane Prof.A.V.Taware Enhancing the Online Engineering Education during COVID-19 Period: A Blended Approach of Online Tools. Published Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume No 35, Special issue UGC Care --
31 Ms.Rutuja Deshmukh Ms.Sweta Jagdale Prof.Satish S. Banait Analyzing and Studing Dimention Reduction Techniques for High Dimention Data Published International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology Vol.8 ISSUE 1 -- --
32 Pranav Pawar Anisha Deochake Bhagyoday Patil Nachiket Mali Prof.Dr.S.M. Kamlapur Prediction of Dyslexia Based on Eye Tracking Published International Journal of Advanced Resea,rch in
Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)
Vol. 11, Issue 5 -- --
33 Adarsh Shukla Pranay Satpute Mayur Sanklecha Dr. Rupali Kulkarni AI Based Chatbot for Engineering Admission System Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 5, Issue 2 -- --
34 Sunny Nimani Mahesh Khairnar Prathamesh Khele Vishal Patil Prof.S.S.
Detection of Anomalies using Local outlier Oulier Factor and Isolation Forest Algorithm Published International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering vol 10 Issue 6 -- --
35 Digambar Patil Ashutosh Rathi Prof.S.S. Banait Waste Classification Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 9 Issu 1 -- --
36 Rutuja Deshmukh Shweta Jagdale Akash Kadlag Prof. S.S.Banait Analyzing and Studying Dimensionality Reduction
Techniques for High-Dimensional Data
Published International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology Volume 8 Issue 11 -- --
37 Ashwini Karke Pooja Sarak Samruddhi Admane Rucha Dharak Prof.P.P.Vaidya Agriculture Supply Chain Using Block chain Technology Published Journal of Analysis and Computation(JAC). An International Peer Reviewed Journal Vol. 16, Issue 6 -- --
38 Prof.J.R.
Mankar Akash Giri Dhiraj Ganeshkar Vishakha Johari Varsha Gophane
Android Botnet Detection using Machine learning Published International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume: 09 Issue:04 -- --
39 Shubhankar Hingne Shailendra Somwanshi Dhiraj Kothawade Tanuja Sadgir Prof. J.R.Mankar COVID-19 Protocol Management and Violation Detection Published Internation Journal of Advance Research in Computer and Communication Engineering vol 11,Issue 5 -- --
40 Ankit Patil Karishma Saudagar Atul Maharnawar Tejas Rangatwan Prof. I Priyadarshani Image Captioning in Real Time Published HBRP Publication Volume 5 Issue 2 -- --
41 Prof. Ipriyadarshani Anjali Rathi Aditi Sonawane Trupti Patil Mamta Pandey Visulgorithm: Easy Conceptualization of data structures and algorithms Published The International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication. Volume 10, Issue 4 -- --
42 Irene Bhattacharjee Pranali Badgujar Rajshree Godse Shivanshu Chauhan Prof. Monali Mahajan classification of retinal fundus images using deep learning for early detection of diabetic retinopathy Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 9 Issue 2 --- --
43 Vikas Dongare Mayur Badwaik Khushal Bendkoli Parnavi Joshi Prof. Monali Mahajan Preliminary Stage Autism Spectrum Disorder Detection Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) Volume 9 Issue 2 -- --
44 Aditya Shahare Sneha Sharma Ranjeet Sonawane Poorva Wadhavane Prof. Monali Mahajan Quality Check Using Image
Published International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 11, Issue 5 -- --
45 Abhishek Patil Harshal Patil Tejaswini Savkar Priyanka Shirore Prof.D.M.
Survey: Apporoches for phishinng detection Published International Journal of Advanced Resea,rch in
Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE)
Vol. 11, Issue 5 -- --
46 Preety Koli Prof. D.M.Kanade Priyanka Patil Radhika Agrawal Pratishta Shelke Detection of Malware for System Security Published International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Vol. 11, Issue 4 -- --
47 Komal Patekar Shivani Pardeshi Pratik Watane Atharva Thosar Prof K.P.Birla Marathi Text to Speech
Conversion Using
Concatenative Approach
Published International Journal of
Advanced Research in
Computer and Communication
Vol. 11
Issue 5,
-- --
48 Gourangni Bhola Anurag Kale Vaishnavi Salunke Sumira Srivastava Prof K.P.Birla Segmentation and Classification of Brain Tumor using Watershed, SVM and CNN Algorithms Published International Journal of
Advanced Research in ,
Computer and Communication
Vol. 11, Issue 5 -- --
49 Prof.S.T.Patil Kalyani Pawar Shreyas Pande Aditya Patil Bhagyashri Kumawat Skin Disease Detection using Machine Learning Framework’s CNN Algorithm Published International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Volume 10, Issue 5 -- --
50 Vedant Patil Aniket Desale Yash Palekar Tanishka Patil Prof. M.J.Patil Crime Based Clustering and Zoning Published A monthly Accredited Science Journal
Thomson Reuters ID I-8645-2017
Volume 11, Issue 5 -- --
51 Prasad Sawant Dheeraj Shingate Bhagyashree Thorat Jayesh Rajole Prof. Namrata Pagare Integrated Plant Health Monitoring System Published International Journal of Advanced Resea,rch in
Computer and Communication Engineering.
Vol. 11, Issue 5 -- --
52 Ms.Siddhi Kulkaarni Prof.N.M. Pagare Visual Quality inspection using Deep Lerning Published International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation Volume 06 Issue 06 -- --
53 Mr.Piyush Patil Prof.P.P. Vaidya Marathi Text Summatizer using text rankalgorithm Published Journal Emering Techonogies and Innovative Research Vol 2 ISSUE 4 -- --
54 Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane Ms.Vaishali S. Tidake Efficient Multi-label Classification using Attribute and Instance Selection Published Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Vol 13 no 14 -- --
55 Ms. Snehal More Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane Local Deviation Coefficient based Outlier detection for Scattered Data Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume-7, Issue-3 -- --
56 Ms.Nilam Patil Prof.Dr.S. M. Kamalapur Clustering Approach using Hierarchical Coupling Learning for Categorical Data Published International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews Volume-7, Issue-3 -- --
57 Mr. Vedant Patil Prof.S.S. Banait Clustering Techniques in Big Data Published Journal of Seybold Report Volume-3, Issue-2, -- --
58 Ms.Harshada Shirsat Prof.D.M. Kanade Deep learning based dietary
Assessment system
Published Journal of Seybold Report Volume-8, Issue-6, -- --
59 Ms. Snehal More Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane Survey of Outlier detection techniques Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-3 -- --
60 Ms.Prajakta Vispute Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane A Comparative Study of Community detection Method n Social Network Analysis Published International Journal for Research in applied science and Engg.Technology Vol-8 Issue 8 UGC Care --
61 Ms.Nilam Patil Prof.Dr. S. M. Kamalapur Survey of Clustering Approach using Hierarchical Coupling Learning for Categorical Data Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-3 -- --
62 Mr.Satwik Kolhe Prof. Dr.S. M. Kamalapur Shared Data Plane: Tenant-Aware, Shared Context for Functions in Serverless Computing Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-2, -- --
63 Ms. Mrunalee C.Deore Prof. J.R.Mankar Data Balencing Techniques for Multu-class Imbalanced Problem Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-3 -- --
64 Ms. Mrunalee C.Deore Prof. J.R.Mankar A Survey of Data Balancing Technique for Multi-Class Imbalanced Problem Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-2 -- --
65 Mr.Ansari Saad Aamir Prof.D.M. Kanade A review on Data Reduction Techniques Published International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management Volume-3, Issue-3 -- --
Mr. P. N Kalavadekar
Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane
Building an Effective Intrusion Detection System using combined Signature and Anomaly Detection Techniques Published International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering Volume-8 Issue-10
UGC Care --
67 Mr.M. A. Wakchaure Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane IM_LR: An approach for Direct and Indirect Discrimination Prevention Published International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Volume-8 Issue-7 Scopus --
68 Ms.Vaishali S. Tidake
Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane
A Novel Algorithm for Multi-label Classification by Exploring Feature and Label Dissimilaritie Published International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications. Vol 11
pp. 161-169
Scopus --
69 Mr. M.N. Shelar Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane A Novel Energy Efficient and SLA-aware Approach for Cloud Resource Management Published International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing Vol 11
Issue 2
Scopus --
70 Ms. Parul Agrawal Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane A survey on Unsupervised Data Learning Approaches Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
71 Ms.V. S. Tidake
Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane
Multi-label Classification: a survey Published International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol 7, Issue.No 4 UGC Care --
72 Ms. Kiran Borade Prof.N.M. Shahane A Review on Grammar Error Correction in Different Domains Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
73 Prof.P.P. Vaidya Prof.N.M. Shahane Performance Improvement of Content Based Image Retrival System Using Relevance Feedback Published Open access International Journal of science & engg. Vol 3
Issue 8
-- --
74 Mariyam Ansari Prof.N.M. Shahane A Review on Multi-Lebel Classification Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
75 Ms.Dipti Gupta Prof.Dr. S.M. Kamalapur Retrival of Relevant Graph Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
76 Ms. P.N.Pathak Prof.P.P. Vaidya A Review on Image Retargeting Techniques Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
77 Ms. R.S. Sonawane Prof.S.S. Banait A Review on outliar Detection and Removal Techniques Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
78 Ms. S.R. Sandhan Prof.S.S. Banait Parameter-Free Incremental Co-Clutering on Optimized Features Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
79 Ms. N.D. Bhagwat Prof.J.R. Mankar Enhanced Prediction of Heart Disease with optimal Feature Selection Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
80 Prof..L.A. Patil Prof.D.M. Kanade Internet of Things Standardization:Challenges and Opportunities Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 6
Issue 1
-- --
81 Prof. M.P. Mahajan
Prof. Dr.S.M. Kamalapur
Spectral Imaging Published International Journal of Modern Electronics and Communication Engineering Vol 7, Issue 1 -- --
Mr. P. N Kalavadekar
Prof. Dr. S.S. Sane
Building an Effective Intrusion Detection System using Genetic Algorithm based feature selection Published International Journal of computer Scienceand information Security Vol 16
-- --
83 Mr.S.V. Chobe Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane Effective Data Extraction Using Pre-processing Published Ciencia e
Tecnica Vitivinicola' journal
Vol. 33 -- --
84 Mr.M.A. Wakchaure
Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane
An Empirical Evaluation of various Discrimination Measures for Discrimination Prevention Published International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol 7, Issue.No 4 -- --
85 Mr. P. N Kalavadekar Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane Effect of Mutation and Crossover Probabilities on Genetic
Algorithm and Signature Based Intrusion Detection System
Published International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol 7, Issue.No 4 -- --
86 Mr.S. V. Chobe Prof.Dr. S.S. Sane Extraction of Meaningful Information from the Web: a Brief Survey Published International Journal of Engineering & Technology Vol 7, Issue.No 4 UGC Care --
87 Prof. N.G. Sharma, Prof. R.H. Jadhav Clustering Methods for Data Stream Mining Published Open access International Journal of science & engg. Vol 3
Issue 10
-- --
88 Ms. S.A. Bhandari Prof.D.M. Kanade A Review on Fault Diagnostic Techniques Published International Journal of Reaserch and Analytical Reviews Vol 5
Issue 3
-- --
Sr.No. Academic Year Company Details Revenue Generated (in Rs) Topic Staff Involved
1 2022 Divisional Commissioner Office Nashik 2.75 Lakhs Web Development Prof. P. D. Rakibe , Prof. S. D. Jadhav and Prof. K. P. Birla
Sr.No. Date of Publication Title of Book Publisher No. of Pages Author_1 Author_2 Author_3 Author_4 ISBN
1 Sept, 2022 Blockchain Technology, For SPPU-Computer Engineering ( Edition: First, Language : English ) Techknowledge Publications 212 Chaitali Patil Kushal P. Birla Seema Gondhalekar   978-93-5563-219-7
2 March, 2023 Blockchain Technology, For SPPU-Information Technology ( Edition: First, Language : English ) Techknowledge Publications 224 Chaitali Patil Seema Gondhalekar Kushal P. Birla   978-93-5563-382-8
3 2022 Data Structures and Algorithms, (Edition First @ 22) Scientific International Publishing House. 252 Dr. Yogita Pagar (Bhise) Prof. Nischaykumar Hegde Dr. Shobha K.R. Prof. Vaishali Shende 978-93-5625-166-3
4 November, 2022 Futuristic Trends in Network & Communication Technologies IIP Proceedings with Series Code IIP_V2_2022_BS_13_02 published by IIP (Iterative International Publishers) 303 Dr. T. Srinivasarao Dr.B.Somasekhar Dr. Ram Punjaji Dr. Yogita Bhise (Pagar) 978-81-959356-1-1
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