
The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE)

The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE) is the leading National Professional non-profit making Society with the motto of Career Development of Teachers and Personality Development of Students and overall development of our Technical Education System. K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research, Nashik has ISTE students’ chapter since 2003. It is one of the most active chapters of the institute.

This Chapter organizes various events for overall development of the students. It organizes technical as well as social activities and other events which provide a good platform for the student’s to display their talents and develop various skills. It organizes events at Institute level as well as intercollegiate competition. The events comprises of State level Elocution competition “Vijigisha” in Marathi and English, Master Student Program, Technical workshops, Soft skill programs, Industrial Visit and many more.

One of the major event is “Vijigisha”- A state level elocution competition. It was conducted in two categories namely Marathi category and English category.

For this event well known personalities in the field of literature are invited as judge There were 10 judges for both the categories, 4 judges for Marathi and 6 judges for English. Each participant had 5 minutes to speak in the first round on their selected topics. After the 1st round the judges were made to select the top contestants from each class.

Selected participants had to speak again in the 2nd round in front of all the judges and 5 winners were selected from each category. In each category First, Second, Third and two consolation prizes worth rupees 1500/-, 1000/-, 500/- and 250/- respectively are given.

vijigisha event
vijigisha event

participants from regional colleges. There were 85 participants in English category and 42 in Marathi category.

Another major attraction is “Master Student Program”

The Master Student Program is organized every year in K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education and Research by ISTE student’s chapter since 2003 and this year it marked its 14th year of success.

This program has a theme and every year a new theme is introduced. Some of the covered themes so far are- “Paper presentation”, “How to become a successful Engineer”, “Innovation”, “Engineer’s Arsenal”, “Digital Engineers”.

Every theme is broadly classified into fourteen subtopics which were presented by fourteen students selected from various department of second year engineering as a speaker.

+ Years Of Success
Master Student Program

They were mentored by a group of fourteen students from third year. The program was conducted for the entire day and it provides an entire spectrum of topics which includes 14 different topics delivered by 14 speakers each concentrating on the various facets of the given theme.

Other Programmes
Other Programmes

ISTE students’ Chapter has conducted this program at other colleges like Sandip Institute of technology & Research, Nashik, Gokhale Education Society's R. H. Sapat College of Engineering, Management Studies and Research, K. V. N. Naik Institute of engineering Education & Research, Nashik, Guru Gobind Singh College of Engineering and Research Centre, Nashik.


Due to its wide-ranging activities and efforts this chapter is awarded as Best Students’ Chapter by ISTE, New Delhi Five times from Maharashtra & Goa Section.

Computer Society of India (CSI)

In addition to these major events, intercollegiate poster completion in conducted on current theme. Some of the themes include “Save Godavari”, “Vision 2020”, “India after independence”.

Students participate in huge number in these kinds of events.Apart from this, a Ramanujan Mathematical competition is organized in association with ISTE national Head Quarter.

In this competition students as well as staff can participate. Participants short listed from Chapter level competition appears for state level competition and those successful at this level, compete at national level. Every year a students and Staff member of this institute receives prizes at state as well as national level.Currently around 700 students are member of ISTE students’ chapter.


students are member of ISTE students’ chapter.

Committee Members

Dr. Keshav N. Nandurkar


Ms. Prajakta S. Vispute

Faculty Advisor

  AY 2015-16 AY 2016-17
President Ms. Devanshi Dattani (E&TC) Mr. Saurabh Todi (Chemical)
Vice-President Mr. Shubham Mahajan (Mechanical) Ms. Anisha Nair (Mechanical)
Treasurer Ms. Sanuja Kulkarni (Computer) Ms. Kshipra Rajhans (Electrical)
Co-Tresurer Ms. Surbhi Sachdev (Mechanical) Mr. Saurabh Sahoo (Mechanical)
Secretary Mr. Aashish Metkar (Mechanical) Ms. Rajvi Sheth (E&TC)
Joint-Secretary Ms. Anuttama Wagh (Civil) Ms. Irene Francis (Electrical)
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