About Industry Cell

Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises(MSME) Government of India & Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH(Germany) are implementing a bilateral cooperation project- ‘Innovation, Modernization & Qualification’ (MSME INNO)’.

This project aims to improve the local innovation ecosystem through fostering cooperation between different stakeholders and strengthening the innovation management capacity and sustainability of MSMEs in India. The project seeks to strengthen the innovation system by systematically fostering cooperation between companies, research institutions, government, service providers and larger enterprises for introduction and dissemination of new technologies, products, processes and/or business model innovation. Industry cell of institute participated in students innovation Projects and various program arranged by NIMA–GIZ-IFC. Industry cell works on solving technical problems faced by MSMEs, Identified by NIMA.

Objectives of Industry Cell

  • To cultivate the strong links with industry
  • Industry from the portals of College i.e. Academics.
  • Knowledge to cope with the industrial culture
  • To promote various industrial activities by the faculty members and students.
  • Creates a sense of owning among faculty members.
  • Participation of experts from industries, in curriculum development.
  • To have a closer linkage and promote research suited to industry needs, and consultancy which
  • To catalyze the further growth and development of interaction between the Institute and Industry.
  • To provide continuing education to people working in industries so that they can upgrade their
  • Technical knowledge, and/or obtain higher degrees; this orients the faculty members towards the
  • To give industrial exposure to Faculty members and students, thus enabling them to tune their
  • To bring about MOU’S and Agreements with various industrial and research organizations in
  • Different fields and sectors to promote various forms of interactions.

(Coordinator Industry Cell-NIMA-IFC-GIZ)

Prof. Mhasde Charudatta Shivdas (M Tech)

Designation-Assistant Professor, K K Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research,Nashik. Chartered Engineer [India]


Faculty Mentor 2019-20

Sr.No. Name of The Faculty Mentor Department Name of MSME Project Title Name of Students
1 Dr.D. M. Chandwadkar Electronics & Telecomm. Engg Boost Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Automatic Industrial Alarm System Garima Mishra, Ankita Hirekhan
2 Dr.Sunita A Patil Electronics & Telecomm. Engg Boost Electronics Pvt. Ltd. Low cost access control system for MSME Katare Siddhi, Laware Kshitija
3 Dr. Suyog Jain Chemical Engineering Agri Serach (I) Pvt. Ltd. Dindori Synthesis of Biosorbents from Industrial cake (Waste) and Subsequent Application for Treatment of Dye-Containing Waste water Damini Sonawane, Ehrar Razi AR Shaikh
4 Prof. V. N. Suryawanshi Computer  Engineering J. N. Engineering, Ambad Automation Software for Inventory and Production Monitoring Manas Joshi, Hrushikesh Joshi
5 Prof.A. M. Shewale Electrical Engineering MSME for MSETCL IOT Solution for MSETCL Substation Monitoring and Fault Alert System Samradnyee Nikam, Yaduraj Bharode

Faculty Mentor 2018-19

Sr.No. Name of The Faculty Mentor Department Name of MSME Project Title Name of Students
1 Dr.D. M. Chandwadkar/ Dr.Sunita A Patil Electronics & Telecomm. Engg General Electrical Works Automatic wire cutting machine Hansika Pandit  Bidita Paul  Sakshi Pardeshi
2 Dr. P B Kushare Mechanical Engineering Gagan Enterprises To Develop SOP for semi-skilled labour Pratik Shroff  Akshay Ugale  Shubham Divate
3 Prof. M P Panchbhai Mechanical Engineering Varad Enterprises Modification in Buffing Process Shrevas Bhavsar  Suraj Chaurasia  Kanhaivya Khairnar  Shubham Bajare  Pratik Dawange
4 Prof.Umesh Gaikawad Information Technology Mufront Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Data Analysis and Trends Identification for Endurance Testing of Electrical Breakers Harshita Jain  Harsh Sachdev  Shalini Singh
5 Prof. Ruapli Ahire Electrical Engineering   Jadhav Power Tech I Desalination of sea water with solar tracking and cleaning system Kalyani Bansode  Shital Gosavi  Shreya More  Vaishnavi Pardeshi
6 Prof. Pankaj Gautam Electrical Engineering   Research Center for Sustainable Solutions Pvt. Ltd IOT Based Street Light Control And Monitoring Ajinkya Sonawane Deepak Mayura  RaghvendraPal Singh   Rohit Joshi  Paras Jadhav
7 Prof. Pankaj Gautam Electrical Engineering   Spark Electrical Pvt. Ltd. Real-time monitoring and data acquisition of energy meters Siddharth N Kalia  Adarsh Srivastava  Atharva Joshi  Sushant Kolhe Pritesh Deore
8 Prof. Sonali Mate Mechanical Engineering Swami Press Component Safety system in order to avoid harm to the labour working on press Vishnu Derkar  Aniket Korde  Saurabh Kulkarni
9 Prof. Ganesh Rayjae Mechanical Engineering Dhumal Engineering Process Automation in SPM Ujjwal Bollamwar Gokul daware  Ganesh Mali  Akash Fasale
10 Prof. Sagar Badjate Information Technology V.M.AUTO PARTS PVT LTD ERP SYSTEM Kalpesh Sonawane, Dhanjay Gahiwade, Samruddhi Baviskar, Nitish Yadav
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