CEO Meet 2023

Objective of this Industry Leaders Summit 3.0 was to take the inputs from industry leaders and to address the following issues:

  • Making students ready for professional world
  • Future trends in technology and skillsets required
  • Impact of Artificial Intelligence on skill sets and on manpower requirement in industries
  • New technological courses to be introduced.
  • Industry collaborations for enhancing:: Innovation, Centre of Excellence, Research and Start-ups
  • Life-long learning opportunities for working professionals
  • Enhancing interest of students in core branches
  • Aligning curriculum with Industry-needs

This meet was attended by 138 CEO/Plant Heads/Vice-Presidents/GM and Senior Managers of large and medium scale industries of in and around Nasik and few prominent industries of Mumbai and Pune. Principals, HODs and senior staff members of Engineering College, Polytechnic, Pharmacy, Agri and Allied Colleges and Sr. Colleges run by K K Wagh Education Society interacted with the industry officials. For this Summit, industries were identified based on their turnover and their association with our institute. For identifying the probable industries for the participation, Nasik Industrial Manufacturers Association (NIMA) industrial directory and also inputs from office bearers of CII (Confederation of Indian Industries), NIMA and AIMA (Ambad Industrial Manufacturers Association) were taken to ensure that no large and medium scale industries are left from the invitee list. Finally, 372 industries and 47 Industrial & Governmental Organizations/Professional Bodies, Public Sectors and Indian Arm forces were identified for the probable invitees to Summit. These industries are assigned to various institutes of Education Society. Profile of the invited organizations includes:

  • Manufacturing Industries like ABB, Mahindra and Mahindra CEAT etc.,
  • Public Sectors like DRDO, Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, HAL, Security Press and BSNL
  • Service Sectors like Banks, Insurance etc
  • Government Organizations Like: Director of MIDC, Small Scale Industrial Office, Laghu Udyog, Maharashtra Chamber of Commerce, MERRI, PWD, Industrial Safety and Boiler Safety Boards etc.
  • Professional Bodies and Industrial Organizations like: CII, NIMA, NIPAM, IEI, CSI, Architectures & Engineers Association (A&E), Association of Consulting Civil Engineers, Practicing Valuer’s Association (PVA) etc

Details of the Participants

Participants from manufacturing as well as service sector attended this meeting. Some of the prominent industry leaders were from: HAL, DRDO, ABB, Praj Industries, Emerson, EPIROC Mining (Atlas Copco), Positive Metering Pumps (I) Pvt Ltd, Rishabh Instruments, Sipra Engineers Pvt Ltd, Spectrum Ethers Ltd, Winjit Technology, Ring Plus Aqua Ltd. VIP Industries, Finiq etc.

About the Program

The program started with the networking and showcasing of working Projects done by students in AICTE-Idea lab. Around 11 projects were displayed and this idea of showcasing the projects is very much appreciated by the industry leaders.

Networking, Visit to AICTE-Idea Lab and Showcasing of working projects was followed by welcome speech and presentation by Principal, Dr K N Nandurkar. He shared the details about K K Wagh Education Society and its institutes, facilities available, academic performance and achievements of students, research and consultancy works carried out by institutes. This is followed by the presentation by TPO (Training and Placement Officer) Dr P K Shahabadkar who shared about the theme and guidelines of the Industry Leaders Summit 3.0 and its objectives. TPO also presented suggestions, action taken and outcomes of Industry Leaders Summit 2.0 which was held on November 2019. Roundtable discussion started at 7.00pm and ended at 7.45PM and View of round table arrangements and discussion is shown in the below pictures.

After the round table discussion, Mr.Saket Chaturvedi, CEO, HAL,Nasik, Mr.Ganesh Kothawade, President ABB, Mr. Ravi Damodaran, Director, Ekaagra Solutions, Dr. Goraksh Garje, Joint Director, DTE, Nasik (Impact of NEP to industries) presented their views on themes and provided their inputs for K K Wagh for: Curriculum Development, Making Students Industry Ready, Consultancy, Student Projects and Innovation, Mechanism for developing an Entrepreneur, Joint Research Opportunities, Effect of Indianisation and its opportunities.

Participants in the Round Table Discussion

Bird View of Round Table Discussion

Group Photos with Industry Leaders

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